Top results with the right expertise

We value expertise and we provide our personnel with opportunities for constantly improving it. Along with targeted work and training sessions, it also opens up opportunities in the various units of an international corporate group.

The Bridge training program for leadership and supervisory skills provides practical tools for everyday supervisory work, such as how individual strong points can best be brought out and how to encourage different kinds of people. An assessment made of the Bridge program shows that the benefits of the training are already making themselves felt in practical work throughout the Paulig Group. In the period 2010-2012, a total of 200 supervisors from 11 different countries attended the program. An extension of the Bridge programme and versions tailored to different markets will be piloted in 2013.

Training based on a 3D model compliant assessment of performance is arranged regularly for supervisors. The bulletin-style, open training sessions include learning preparations for 3D appraisals and development discussions and for participation in these, providing feedback, and setting clear and measurable targets. The 3D model stresses dialogue and active participation on both sides, and the setting and assessment of targets is a mutual interest.

The Coffee Division also continued the Booster and Optimizer programs in 2012. The intensive, practice-focused Booster training deals with efficient selling techniques, calculating added value for the customer, enhancing key accounts, negotiation skills, etc. There were 90 participants in the program from the various countries of the Coffee Division. The Optimizer training program aims to enhance procurement operations. There were five attendees for this. Various types of smaller training sessions and induction are also constantly being held in different countries.

TellUs probes the work atmosphere

A TellUs survey, which is performed every second year and examines the implementation of personnel responsibility, was carried out in autumn 2012. The results had improved on the general level and indicate in particular that the deployment in improving supervisor’s work had been worthwhile. Decision-making was felt to be clearer and operational efficiency had moved in a positive direction. In the light of the results, progress had also been made in communications, induction, work arrangements, and opportunities to influence one’s own job description. On the other hand, opportunities for participation and taking initiative were felt to have deteriorated and bureaucracy to have increased.

The results of the survey varied between different units and teams, so tailoring and implementation of development plans in accordance with each unit’s results will be important. It will also be necessary to provide information about the progress of development more actively than before – many upgrades get their start with the results from the TellUs survey results.


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