Product development is guided by research data and listening to consumers

We constantly monitor changes in consumption behaviour and flavour preferences as well as developments in coffee trends in different markets.

Tutkimustieto ja kuluttajien kuuntelu suuntaavat tuotekehitystä

We engage in active dialogue with consumers and our customers through our consumer service as well as on customer visits and through surveys. Research methods have evolved and diversified as online channels have increased. New research channels enable us to offer participants more attractive and convenient ways to make a difference. We carry out research – for example, charting the recognition factor of Paulig products and consumers’ attitudes to them. We also regularly survey customer and consumer satisfaction.

In the development of new products, research and consumers’ opinions are of particularly great importance. We test new concepts and approaches with customers and consumers for flavour, packaging, usability, design, marketing communications, etc. Through our consumer service, we get a great deal of valuable feedback on product development direct from consumers.

In 2012, Paulig again carried out numerous studies. A corporate image survey was performed on Vendor Oy, a provider of coffee equipment and services, with office customers as the target group. Customer satisfaction was studied on the food-service side, where the satisfaction with Paulig of decision-makers in the food-service sector was mapped out. An on-line survey among young consumers was carried out to deepen the dialogue with young people and increasing understanding of their needs. In the community, young people shared their views about coffee and they were able to take part in product development work. In Finland, women’s choices of beverages were studied along with the connotations and the impacts of their stage of life and environs. In the Baltic countries and Russia, the first survey was made of corporate responsibility. This examined perceptions of corporate responsibility, what factors influence people’s image of corporate responsibility, and what issues in responsibility are considered important in these countries.

Räätälöidyt ratkaisut asiakkaan kahvitarpeisiinUrbanisation and the mobile, individual lifestyle are also having an impact on coffee trends. Convenience, speed, comfort and various alternatives are interesting to coffee drinkers. Takeaway coffee, ready-made coffee beverages and single-serving coffees are part of this tendency. In addition to everyday coffee consumption, many people want to make certain coffee moments even more special by choosing a top-quality premium coffee for them. There is also growing interest in responsibility-certified coffees. Certifications for the coffee sector are not yet very well-known, but their inclusion in people’s favourite coffee brand is seen as positive. Of the coffee sold in Finland, an estimated 3-5 % is certified (UTZ CERTIFIED, Fairtrade, Organic).

"With new research channels we can provide more attractive and convenient ways to make a difference."

- Päivi Suomalainen, Market Research Manager

Customised solutions for the customer’s coffee needs

The needs and expectations of Horeca and office customers may be very different, depending on the business concept. The best solutions are created in close collaboration with the customer. The customer’s objectives, premises, coffee needs, number of users and their expectations form a basis for solutions proposed by Paulig’s professionals.

The solutions also take into account the customer’s targets for responsibility. Certified coffee, biodegradable packagings and coffee mugs, and recycling of disused equipment are part of the service.


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